Wednesday, September 23, 2009

4th assignment

1. i realized that i am really not a perfect person, but i don't need to be one just to be accepted by others. i am just being myself.
2. a. i don't want to be laughed at
- i want them to listen to me while I'm talking
- i want them to consider my suggestions
- i want them to tell me nicely
- i want them to respect me
- I'll listen to what they are about to say
b. I'll be as polite as possible when i am to ask about something and try not to be a bother to others.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

6th assignment..

to submit a quality assignment or requirement..this the challenge that i chose..i was able to beat it 'cause i use to pass assignments and requirements on time and i use to spend time just to finish it..i realized that if you just start doing what you want, you'll make it, just be patient and practice perseverance..

the shocking part for me, was the melting of the ice..the place where the ice used to be so thick was slowly thinning and it can dangerous when it happen because most of the countries on earth are surrounded by water, so it will vanish when all of the ice came to me that global warming can really be a serious problem that will affect all of living in this will be hard to bring back the thing that caused this problem, but i know, if we will act today, we can still avoid this to happen..

peer pressure..

there is one time, when i joined a group where they all don't want to study anymore and they don't care if they fail all the subjects..i immediately stayed away from them when i realized it, 'cause i don't want to be that kind of person..i want to study for the sake of my family and for my goals in life..i know that i made the right decision 'cause i never regret can really get involve with such people, but you have to make a decision whether to be like them or not..

a responsible person..

a responsible person, for me, is the one who knows what his/her priorities are..he/she knows what matter she/he has to put more attention and focus more on it..he knows how to manage his time..

at home, i have a responsibility to help my parents around the house because they are old already and it's hard for them to exert more effort on some chores..
in school, as a student, i have to abide with the rules and regulations implemented by the school for the better of the majority, and for the school to keep it's good reputation..
in our community, i have to participate in such activities where all of us can benefit, for the keeping of the peace and order around the place so that we can all live in harmony..


i chose the first one..i was able to do it, and i feel content and pleased because i really am an honest person at heart..i never want to lie, because i know that there will be consequences for lying..but i can't also say that i never lied, cause I'll be a liar then, there are also times that it's better to lie than to tell the truth..i realized that all people can be honest if only all of us do not have a problem..

my health..

according to my health assessment test, i am most likely to be healthy..well, i don't smoke, most especially, and i eat meals regularly and nutritious as much as possible..i am not really a health conscious, but i never want to get sick..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

the most challenging thing i have ever accomplished

i don't have much of a talent.I'm just an ordinary girl with such a big of today, the most challenging thing that i have ever accomplished is that i was able to graduate in high school, even without honors.i survived the four consecutive years in my previous school, Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School, completing requirements such as drafting plates and many more, and i was also able to gain true friends along the way.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

assignment 3

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

well, it's hard to answer that question. But, for me, it's having faith in God. He's the reason why I'm here so it depends on his plans on what will happen to me. I have faith in Him, but of course, it also depends on me if I am to choose the right way.

Monday, June 29, 2009

2nd assignment..

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

my first week? well, I can say that it's a very enjoyable stay because me and my block mates are getting really close to each other.

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

for me, I can say that they are strict, but it depends on the situation in the classroom and the behavior of the students. the positive side of that is, they are strict in a way that can help us pass the courses.

3. Describe your block mates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

my block mates are really nice and I think that I will enjoy the whole term having them as my block mates. the strength of our section, is we are very helpful with each other when it comes in doing our assignments. the weakness, is we have our own circle of friends within the section.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

for me, I find math, english, humanities easy and fun. drawing is a challenge for me.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

I have one. it's the coldness of the classrooms. I have to adjust to the temperature every time we have a class inside the classrooms. that's why I always bring a jacket with me. but it's no big deal.I can handle it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

values education in college

Values education can be a lot of help, especially for me, a freshman student in college, wherein I am just starting to adjust to a new environment. I am still attached to my high school days, that's why, sometimes, I might still think and act like a high school student instead of a college student.

Based on my few experiences here in MCL, I can feel that, little by little, I will be able to fully adapt the college life.